
Blog der Doktorandinnen und
Doktoranden am Dubnow-Institut

Beiträge aus:Juli 2020

David P. Boder visits Dachau, David Pablo Boder Papers (Collection 1238). Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA.

Im Interview des lettisch-amerikanischen Psychologen David P. Boder mit dem Holocaustüberlebenden Isaac Wolf geraten die Interessen des Forschers und die individuellen Bedürfnissen des Befragten in Konflikt.

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Resolution on the situation in Germany adopted by the World Jewish Conference in August 1934, Yad Vashem Archives P.13/152.

In August 1934, Jewish delegates from twenty countries congregated at the Bureau Central in Geneva for the third preparatory World Jewish Conference. The representatives  had accepted Nahum Goldmann’s invitation to push forward with the founding of a new transnational Jewish advocacy organization.

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