
Blog der Doktorandinnen und
Doktoranden am Dubnow-Institut

Beiträge von:Margarita Lerman

Photo Diagram of Murder; Suspect, Victim and Police Enemy. On the left is a picture of Lieutenant Charles Becker, the photograph on the right shows Louis Libby, accused of owning the car used by the attackers, and Rosenthal is depicted in the bottom center. Source: The World (evening edition), 16 July 1912, 1.

On 16 July 1912, The World printed a sketch of a murderous attack that had happened less than 24 hours earlier. A photo of the crime scene formed the background to the collage, while drawn figures represented the five attackers as well as their victim. All of them were no strangers to the authorities and the victim’s name was soon to become emblematic.

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