In 1933, Dr. Martin Plessner (1900–1973), a promising German-Jewish scholar of Oriental studies, was appointed as teacher of Arabic at the Hebrew Reali School in Haifa. This was shortly after his immigration from Germany in the context of the rise of the Nazi regime. In contrast to Salim Al-Daoudi and Eliyahuo Habouba, the two previous teachers of Arabic at the Reali School, Plessner’s mother tongue was German, not Arabic.
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One of the main aims pursued by the founders of the Leo Baeck Institute (LBI) established in Jerusalem in May 1955 was to preserve the cultural and intellectual legacy of German Jewry after its destruction by the Nazi regime in Germany. Over the first few decades of its activity, the LBI received a great variety of materials – mainly books and archival documents – from private individuals and cultural institutions in Israel. These donations laid the foundation for the institute’s research library.
Mehr lesenIn May 1944, the underground Jewish National Committee in Warsaw sent several documents to London relating the story of the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto, which had ended a year earlier. Among the documents was a list of the members of the Jewish Fighting Organization (JFO) who had lost their lives during or after the insurgence. The list was compiled from memory by the organization’s surviving leaders who where then hiding in Warsaw.
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